Feature Flitches

We offer many species, grades, cuts and figure types of veneer from all corners of the world. This gallery does not represent the entirety of our inventory, but features a cross section of the material we have to offer. If you have any questions, would like to check availability or receive full photo/tally sets be sure to call or email us

Growth Always in All Ways

Renovating Our Showroom: A New Space for Our Clients

At The Veneer Source, we take great pride in our commitment to excellence, and our showroom is no exception. Our clients utilize the highest quality wood veneers the world has to offer, and we feel the facilities they inspect those materials in should be on par.

As we embarked on the exciting journey of renovating our showroom and sample room, we envisioned spaces that capture the essence of our high-quality wood veneer products. Our goal is to create a haven where craftsmanship and elegance converge, inspiring our clients with endless possibilities. From the moment they step inside, they will be greeted by a symphony of textures, colors, and patterns, inviting them to explore the breathtaking beauty of our natural and engineered veneers. With carefully curated displays, thoughtfully designed layouts, and impeccable attention to detail, our renovated showroom provides an experience that celebrates the artistry and versatility of wood offering inspiration for both contemporary and traditional aesthetics.

We look forward to our clients and vendors visiting our new space, where their visions start to come to reality and the true potential of wood veneer is showcased in all its splendor!